Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
This policy has been adopted by all the parties that make up Australian Cricket regarding
the safeguarding of children and young people in cricket.
This policy has been adopted by all the parties that make up Australian Cricket regarding
the safeguarding of children and young people in cricket.
Delivering a child safe framework across our sport is achieved through supporting Children and Young
People, their parents and guardians and by Australian Cricket and each of our Affiliated Associations and
Clubs striving to be a child safe organisation.
Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviors details the expectations of acceptable
behaviour of all persons who are responsible for the care and wellbeing of Children and Young People in
our sport.
All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments must
be signed by any two (2) members of the Management Committee or employees of the Club,
being members or employees authorised to do so by the Management Committee.
All players who wish to play for Moorebank Cricket Club must be registered and financial
before the commencement of each season.
The club will provide transport to and from functions where available and possible (e.g. using club
bus or contacting local bus services such as council, school or tourist buses).
Moorebank Cricket Club recognises that:
• Environmental (second-hand) tobacco smoke is a health hazard and that non-smokers should be
protected from it
While Moorebank Cricket Club does not sell alcohol we acknowledge that alcohol may be consumed at
club related events and activities including meetings, after training or matches, end of
season/presentation functions, sponsors’ functions, trivia nights and other fundraising events. In
particular, the club holds many of its functions at licensed venues.
Moorebank Cricket Club is committed to Junior cricket development. The club will support our
volunteer coaches and managers who are dedicated to the development of our young players.
This policy outlines our procedures for a balanced and responsible approach to the service, supply, consumption and promotion of alcohol at club games, special events, functions and other club-related activities. It represents our club’s commitment to its members, volunteers and visitors, acknowledging the role that sporting clubs and associations play in building strong and healthy communities.